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Products with cool attributes and features told like this, cool: change of style and creativity.

Foto del escritor: Omar Díaz ReyesOmar Díaz Reyes

We know that many of Imaginarium's products have attributes and features that make them cool, unique and valuable but the challenge has been to communicate them properly.

Sometimes, these qualities are many or "hidden" and when looking at an Imaginarium product and comparing it to another of the same type, they are not visible.

So focusing on our main client, we created a series of videos about the most popular and important current products in parenting moments with the intention of making their most valuable qualities visible.

Each of the new products in the strategy will be accompanied by this type of content used in social, social ads, blog posts, programmatic and emailing.

Top Moments Baby Box

Special box of memories with Kiconico design to keep the memories of your baby.

Activity Secret Pyramid

Multi-activity pyramid with different functionalities on each side.

Fold and Go Area BBfitness

XXL play and gymnastics blanket for babies. It is soft, comfortable, foldable and portable.

Bowling Happy Friends Kiconico

Large soft bowling set with a ball and 6 cute characters of Kiconico and his friends in the shape of a bowling pin.

Family Mat Jungle Mat

Family picnic blanket XXL size: 144 x 200 cm. Ideal for the garden, the sand and the house!

Mythology Back Pack

Neoprene unicorn backpack with two spaces, large zippered opening and front pocket with glitter.


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